Teach Me Tagalog!


“Identity is the essential core of who we are as individuals, the conscious experience of the self inside.” That quote from the reading is what really stuck out to me. I thought about this in a different light because people also say that it takes a very long time for someone to realize who they really are as a person, and the quote is referring to the experience inside of ones self. That experience that someone is going through is what makes them who they are.

I remember when I was a little kid, I was being raised by my fathers side, which was all filipino family. My first tongue was Tagalog, so naturally I fit in with my  family and was able to speak our language fluently. However, my parents were going through a custody battle so I ended up going back to my mother who only spoke English. I completely lost the ability to speak Tagalog, but my mother went through the hardest time trying to get me to speak English again.

A few years went by and I ended up visiting my fathers side of the family and that’s when thee trouble started! I couldn’t understand everything fully, and felt completely out of place around my own family members. I only remembered a few words that ended up sticking to me.


When I finally got graduated from high school, I grew more comfortable with myself because I accepted the fact that I wasn’t just one part of my races, and just had to embrace that I was both. I couldn’t speak full Tagalog but I can understand it for the most part. Being a certain race has nothing to do with who you ACTUALLY are,  everyone fails to see that people learn that down the road.

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